Why energy vampires copy you
They can be called "toxic people", "narcissists", "energy vampires", etc. Regardless of what you call them, they have lost their connection to source.⠀
When you are connected to source and your inner light, you are able to create your reality. People who are disconnected from source are attracted to you because they want what you have. Instead of being inspired to get in touch with their inner light and guidance, they will try to manipulate you to see if they can do what you do or try to get you to manifest for them. ⠀
Long-term, this will never work. They will never be able to create their own reality using your inner resources and modeling their life after your unique soul path. When this happens, they become resentful and jealous of you because you still are able to create and manifest.⠀
At their core, they are unhappy and they will project this unhappiness on you and begin to judge you or blame you for their unhappiness. This is the Drama Triangle (Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer). Not only does this help them to continue to not take responsibility for not being able to manifest their own reality, the drama triangle serves as a distraction from doing their own inner healing work. It's a form of escapism so they do not feel their own trapped trauma in their bodies. ⠀
The best way to deal with them is to create healthy boundaries. Opt-out of participating of the drama triangle and do not accept the blame, and do not try to rescue them. Even if you rescue them, the underlying issue that they are not able to create their own reality is still there and you will one day be persecuted by them once again. ⠀
I've learned that it is actually a compassionate act to set boundaries because you are telling them that you believe in their ability to manifest. Rescuing people can actually be disempowering because you are telling them that they need rescuing, that you don't believe in their ability to manifest their reality. Setting boundaries is a very loving act. ⠀