How do you define freedom?
My soul calling has always leaned towards understanding & pursuing various forms of freedom, & helping others do the same.
Throughout my life, my definition of freedom evolved. When I was in 5th grade, I learned about Harriet Tubman. She became life-long role model & inspiration for me. I recently learned that she was the same height I am (5’ 2”) & I am even more amazed & inspired by her badassery!
The concept of the Underground Railroad where she helped free people from slavery, oppression, & abuse stayed with me & continues to inspire me in all I do. I have supported many clients leave very toxic & abusive situations/groups/families. For a lot of these “escapes”, it took a lot of planning. Some had to 1st gain financial freedom to be able to extricate themselves. I have found they were disempowered financially by their abusers so they wouldn’t be able to leave. The disempowerment wasn’t always overt. It would be subtle negative programming where the abused would just not believe in themselves & not even try. It is like a bird who is in a cage with an open door but doesn’t know it can fly, so it stays in the cage. They end up being trained to create their own prison. This prison mindset impacts everything they do. The work we do together helps to remove this cage so they remember they can fly free.
That is a big reason why I focus on abundance & financial freedom & education. It’s why I created the course to make this financial freedom coaching available to more people. When you are financially free, you have more options. You can make more self-affirming choices.
As I evolved, other forms of freedom also became important to me:
1. Freedom to be authentically me
2. Freedom from my past life karma
3. Freedom from my past trauma
3. Freedom from caring what others think of me
The list goes on & on & continues to grow as I evolve.
What does freedom mean to you? Please share your definition of freedom in the comments! I would love to hear from you & cheer you on as you embrace your own definition freedom! ✨