Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries...
Often, because of our trapped trauma, we create codependent relationships to feel safe and to validate our own choices in life. Our boundaries get blurred, & because of this, we end up expending time & energy on matters that don’t fall within our boundaries.
We don’t want to feel the pain, & we use escapism tactics like engaging in the drama triangle (victim, persecutor, rescuer). We think we are being “good” and rescue other people from their life choices. In essence, the intention is still rooted in the drama. We are judging someone else’s life choices (persecuting). Rescuing people from their life choices & karma actually enables their behavior. It also is disempowering. You are showing them that they can’t take care of themselves.
The more we heal ourselves, we become a lighthouse for others. Folks that resonate with our energy & our healing path will approach us for help. We do not have to provide unsolicited help. Over time, this unsolicited rescuing causes resentment. The person being rescued feels resentment because they feel disempowered & judged & maybe even entitled to your time and energy. You feel resentment because you feel underappreciated for your rescuing. It creates a lot of energy cords and you end up becoming an unintentionally energy vampire.
The intentions of our actions create the karma & consequences, not the action themselves. A very seemingly “good” action rooted in the drama triangle, will create dramatic karmic repercussions.
And yes, empaths & spiritual people can also be energy vampires. You can be toxic to other people without realizing it. What ends up happening is that both parties end up becoming energy vampires and toxic to each other.
The best way to avoid being an energy vampire to others & to avoid being drained by an energy vampire is to understand, honor, and protect your boundaries. This understanding, in turn, leads you to understanding and honoring other people’s boundaries.